Saturday, September 21, 2024

12 magnesium-rich foods you should know about

How often during the day do you consider the vitamins and minerals you are consuming in what you eat? Most people don’t do a mental breakdown of whether they are getting all the essential nutrients they need through their food for a healthy body. Thus they suffer from vitamin deficiency.

Magnesium is necessary for normal heart rhythms, good muscle tone and a healthy immune system. Getting the recommended daily intake (RDI) is really quite easy if you know the right foods. For women younger than 31, the RDI is 310 mg, and 31 and older it’s 320 mg. Men’s RDI is slightly higher with the younger than 31 crowd at 400 mg and 31 and older at 420 mg. Check out the 12 magnesium-rich foods below and see how you’re doing.

1. Cooked spinach. To get a great jump on the day, the Mayo Clinic recommends 1 cup of cooked spinach, which contains 150 to 160 mg of magnesium. For recipe ideas, be sure to check out these top low carb spinach recipes.2. Sunflower seeds. If being like Popeye is just not for you, dry sunflower seeds aren’t a bad place to go instead.One-fourth cup of seeds will yield 128 mg of magnesium.3. Black beans. One cup of cooked black beans yields 120 mg of magnesium. Other legumes are also rich in magnesium, but black beans seem to be the highest. If you are looking to incorporate black beans in your diet, try this vegan black bean and caramelized onion burger recipe. 4. Almonds. For 105 mg of magnesium, eat one-fourth cup of dry almonds.5. Sesame seeds. Although the phrase “Open sesame” may open doors to hidden treasure, the seeds themselves are a treasure in and of themselves. One ounce of sesame seeds yields 101 mg of magnesium. 6. Cashews.