Saturday, September 7, 2024

Should the husband still help around the house if the wife doesn’t work?

The question of whether husbands should help with household chores when their wives do not work outside the home has been a topic of debate for many years. Traditional gender roles have often placed the burden of domestic responsibilities on women, while men have been expected to provide financially.

However, as societal norms and expectations evolve, so does the discussion surrounding this issue. In this article, we will explore the various perspectives on whether husbands should still help around the house when their wives do not work, taking into account both the traditional and modern viewpoints.

The Traditional Perspective

Traditionally, the division of labor within a household often followed a specific pattern. The husband would work outside the home to provide for the family, while the wife would take on the majority of the domestic responsibilities, including cooking, cleaning, and childcare. This division of labor was based on the belief that each partner had their own role to play, and it was a way to ensure that the household ran smoothly.

From this perspective, if the wife does not work outside the home, it is often assumed that she should take on the primary responsibility for household chores. In such cases, the husband’s role is primarily seen as providing financially for the family. This viewpoint has been deeply ingrained in many societies for centuries.

The Modern Perspective

In recent decades, societal attitudes and expectations have shifted significantly. The feminist movement and changing economic realities have challenged the traditional gender roles within households. Many argue that it is no longer fair or realistic to expect one partner to shoulder the entire burden of domestic responsibilities simply based on their gender or employment status.

From a modern perspective, the division of household chores should be based on factors other than whether one partner works outside the home. It is argued that household responsibilities should be shared equally between spouses to promote a more balanced and equitable partnership. In this view, even if the wife does not work outside the home, the husband should still contribute to household chores.

Arguments in Favor of Husbands Helping Around the House


Advocates for equality argue that household chores should be divided based on ability, availability, and interest, rather than traditional gender roles. This approach promotes a more balanced partnership where both spouses share the responsibilities of running the household.

Time and Energy:

Managing a household and taking care of children can be a full-time job in itself, even if a spouse does not work outside the home. Sharing household chores can alleviate some of the physical and emotional burdens placed on one partner.

Quality Time:

When both partners share household responsibilities, it frees up more time for quality interactions, fostering a stronger emotional connection within the marriage.

Preparation for the Future:

Circumstances can change, and it’s essential for both partners to be capable of managing household tasks if the need arises, such as during periods of illness or job loss.

Arguments Against Husbands Helping Around the House

Financial Provider Role:

Some argue that if the husband is the primary breadwinner, his role is to provide for the family financially. In this view, the wife’s role as a homemaker is seen as her contribution to the partnership.

Personal Preferences:

In some cases, couples may have preferences and agreements that suit their specific circumstances, where one partner handles most of the household chores while the other focuses on providing financially.

Mutual Agreement:

The most critical factor in any marriage is open communication and mutual agreement. If both spouses are content with their arrangement and feel that it works for their family, it may not be necessary to conform to external expectations.


The question of whether husbands should still help around the house when their wives do not work is a complex and highly individual matter. While traditional gender roles may dictate one approach, modern perspectives emphasize equality, balance, and shared responsibilities within a partnership. Ultimately, the most important factor is open and honest communication between spouses to determine what arrangement works best for their unique circumstances and values. Whether or not a husband helps with household chores should be a decision made collaboratively, with the ultimate goal of building a happy and harmonious household.