The Amish Chicken is a dish that is both delicious and healthy. It has a unique taste that comes from the distinctive combination of all its ingredients. The great flavor also finds its way into the gravy, and a fun fact is that, the Amish Chicken makes on its own gravy while baking. Asides from the fact that the chicken on its own is absolutely delectable, this amazing gravy also has its own uses. You can use the gravy as stuffing, or you can choose to eat it with a variety of foods like mashed potatoes and egg noodles to give you a satisfying and delicious meal that will leave your taste buds in complete awe.


6 -8 chicken pieces, cleaned
1 cup flour
2 teaspoons garlic powder
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
2 teaspoons paprika
1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
1 1/2 cups water

One important thing to note is that the above stated quantities of ingredients can only provide enough Amish Chicken to feed 2-4 people, depending on their appetite of course. To make more servings, you’re going to have to tweak the recipe a bit. Same thing if you want to make more gravy out of it, if you’re the type that is only interested for the sake of the gravy.

Now, tweaking recipes is easy, but it can also be tricky, so do feel free to consult with us in the comment section of this page and we’ll be sure to get right back to you.


The first thing we’d like to recommend at the start of each new recipe is a clear cooking space. So, clean up that counter and get rid of the clutter. Then, get out your ingredients and arrange them neatly into clean bowls – individually, please – do not mix or jumble your ingredients together until we tell you to. As soon as you’re done with all that, take in a deep breath and let’s get started!

– The first thing we should probably tell you is to clean the chicken pieces under running water for hygiene’s sake. That’s the correct starting point for all this, so if you already knew that, more points to you.

– Dredge the chicken pieces in the flour and spices
(This simple act is called seasoning, at least where the spices are involved. We’re dredging the chicken pieces in the spices to add flavor with all that garlic powder, pepper and salt to taste. The flour on the other hand, we’re dredging the chicken pieces up in that to make it crispy, and yes, it also adds to the flavor, and provides the Amish Chicken with its unique texture and mouth-feel during baking, so you can’t skimp on that.)

– Get out your baking dish and prepare it by rubbing flour all over the surface of it.
(Some people would rather grease up the pans first. You would achieve even better results by simply lining up the inside of the baking dish with aluminum foil and calling it a day. This is all part of the non- stick process; meaning, we’re doing this to prevent the chicken pieces from sticking down to the baking dish after the all baking process.)

– Arrange skin side up in a baking dish.
(We do this because it’s much easier to tell when the Amish Chicken is done when you’ve arranged the chicken pieces skin side up in the baking dishes that it would be if you’ve done otherwise. Part of the whole “is it done?” determination process is being able to tell from the color of the skin, after all.)

– Mix the cream and water and pour over the chicken.
(This is all part of the seasoning bit of the Amish Chicken recipe, a crucial part. This is the part that plays one of the major roles in gravy formation. So, if you’re that type I mentioned earlier on, the type who’s only interested in the gravy, you definitely do not want to skip this part of the recipe. And the best part is that you can tweak it to give the type of flavor you like in your gravy.

– Add more parts of whipping cream than water if you like it extra creamy, or if you’re finding it tricky to tweak or you’re afraid you’ll mess it up, feel free to consult with us in the comment section. We’ll be sure to get back to you.)

– Bake at 350* for 1 1/2 hours or until the skin is golden brown.
(If you like to pre-heat the oven, you can do so for a few minutes – just a few minutes – before you slide in that loaded baking dish, because this Amish Chicken recipe really doesn’t need all the extra heat from a preheated oven. It might lead to a recipe for disaster.)

Serve, dig in and enjoy!