Friday, September 20, 2024


You can make so many different delicious desserts with coconut! Among the recipes for fruity and creamy coconut desserts, you will always have a perfect recipe up your sleeve to satisfy any sweet tooth.
From a dreamy coconut cake that will keep you coming back for seconds, to a coconut cake like Grandma used to make, these desserts will satisfy even the most desperate coconut craving! These recipes are perfect for all occasions in your life. Coconut desserts are great for the holidays, bake sales, meals, or a gift just for the hell of it.


Ingredients of the bark:
1 cup (2 sticks) of butter
2 cups of all-purpose flour
1/2 cup of powdered sugar
Ingredients of coconut cream filling:
3 cups half and half
3 cups of coconut milk
4 eggs
1 1/2 cups of white sugar
2/3 cup of cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 1/2 cups coconut flakes
1/2 teaspoon coconut extract
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Ingredients of the whipped cream:
2 cups of heavy whipped cream
1 tablespoon of cold water (to stabilize)
1 teaspoon of gelatin (to stabilize)
3-4 tablespoons of powdered sugar
1 cup of coconut, for toasting


Make a butter bread crust: Preheat your oven to 350°F. Prepare a 9 x 13 inch baking pan with a sling of aluminum foil (I use a long sheet along my plate and two short sheets overlapping the width of my plate – just arrange it so that it has some overlap and protrusion to help you get the loaves out when they are finished). Cut the butter in the flour and the powdered sugar and press it into the baking dish (I used a food processor to cut the fat in the flour – about 6-10 beans – and then the bottom of a glass to press the mixture into the pan). Bake for 18-20 minutes or until light brown. Place on a wire rack.
Toast the coconut for the topping: Spread about 1 cup of the coconut flakes on a baking sheet and bake in the oven along with the bread crust for 3-6 minutes, stirring every minute or so, until the coconut is golden. Spread it out on a plate to cool completely.
Make the coconut cream filling: Combine half and half, the coconut milk, eggs, sugar, cornstarch and salt in a large saucepan and bring it to a boil over medium-low heat, stirring constantly until thick and bubbly (this may take 15-30 minutes. Just do it. It’s worth it.) Add the coconut and vanilla extracts and the 1 1/2 cups of unroasted coconut and stir. Pour this filling over the cooled crust, letting it cool a bit on the counter before putting everything in the fridge to cool down until it is firm, about 2 to 4 hours.
Make the whipped cream topping: Put a tablespoon of cold water in a small bowl and sprinkle the gelatin evenly over it. Let it soften for 2 minutes before placing it in the microwave for 30 seconds and beating to dissolve the gelatin. Using a cold bowl and mixer, beat the 2 cups of heavy cream and powdered sugar until the cream forms hard peaks, stopping to add the gelatin mixture in half. Put the cream on the bars and spread it gently around. Sprinkle over the toasted coconut. Cool it until it is ready to serve and leave the whipped cream ready. Use the sling to remove the bars from the plate, cut them with a sharp knife and enjoy!