Friday, September 20, 2024

7 heart attack warning signs you have to pay attention to

Sadly, thousands of people around the world die each and every year because of heart attacks, in fact, in the United States alone, approximately 735,000 people experience a heart attack and a lot of them die because of it, whereas 210,000 experience a second one.

When it comes to heart attacks, it is a matter of life and death situation, that is why noticing the smallest details can stand between you and death, literally. The symptoms we are about to share with you mean that if experience one or multiple ones, then you are only a month away from a heart attack (give or take a few days, up to a week). There’s one thing you have to keep in mind, men and women have different symptoms. Without further ado, here are the 8 heart attack warning signs you have to pay attention to.

1. Dizziness

Men who have a history with heart-related problems or suffer from heart disease will experience dizziness more often.


2. Fainting

If you are experiencing unexplained fainting, then you are one month away from a heart attack, this goes for both men and women.


3. Cold sweats

Men can experience cold sweats one month before a heart attack.


4. Chest Pain

Chest pain is a clear warning sign for an upcoming heart attack for both men and women.


5. Unusual fatigue

Insomnia or unusual disturbance in sleep pattern can be a clear sign of an upcoming heart attack for women.


6. Stomach trouble

Men can experience nausea and women can suffer from appetite loss or indigestion one month prior to a heart attack.


7. Shortness of breath

Shortness of breath is a clear early sign of a heart attack for both men and women.