Monday, September 16, 2024

Very Good Puppy Saves Her Family By Finding Hidden Fire

From the moment Caitlyn Radel-Paaby met Willow, she knew she was a very good girl. “She is a cuddler and loves to give hugs,” Radel-Paaby told The Dodo.

At 10 months old, the Great Pyrenees is still very skittish, but when it comes to her family, there’s nothing she wouldn’t do to protect them — something the brave pup recently got a chance to prove. 


Radel-Paaby returned home from the grocery store the night before Thanksgiving to find her boyfriend watching her infant son downstairs and Willow nowhere in sight. Willow is extremely attentive when it comes to her mom, so when the pup didn’t come to greet her, Radel-Paaby knew something was off.

After searching the house, she found Willow in the office under the desk. “[She] went under the desk and started acting really nervous and barking and wouldn’t come out,” Radel-Paaby said. “She even got a little defensive to get our attention and that’s when we noticed the outlet.”


Radel-Paaby couldn’t figure out what had caught Willow’s attention, but when she touched the wall, it was warm. Willow had sniffed out a fire in the electrical outlet under the desk before the blaze had really started.


The family called the fire department, who quickly extinguished the sparks. “The fire department said if we hadn’t found it when we did our house would have gone up in flames overnight,” Radel-Paaby said.

Radel-Paaby couldn’t have been more proud of her big girl for saving their lives, and overcoming her “puppy fear stage.”


“She had never done anything like this and we were shocked,” Radel-Paaby said. “She is always making sure her human brother is safe and she clings to me like crazy and usually will alert if something is off but never anything serious until the outlet.”

The next day, as the family gathered safely around the Thanksgiving table, they knew they had something to be grateful for — their hero Willow.