Woman Passing By Nativity Scene Notices Someone Sleeping In The Manger

The other evening, Nádia Rosângella was passing by a nativity scene display that had been set up in a square near her home in Brazil. There, she found all the normal figurines neatly set in place.

But one thing about this nativity scene was a little different.

The manger, traditionally left empty until Christmas day, was occupied by someone unexpected.


As it turns out, a young dog had apparently noticed the cozy spot unclaimed and decided it’d be the perfect place to nestle in for a nap. And evidently it was.

The pup was the picture of peace and comfort.

“I was surprised. It was so beautiful!” Rosângella told The Dodo. “Such a lovely and pure scene.”


It wasn’t clear at first where the dog had come from, but Rosângella believes she was likely abandoned in the square some time earlier. With nowhere else to turn, she’d sought out refuge in the little nativity scene.

But in so doing, the pup also ensured her lonely circumstances wouldn’t go unnoticed.


Touched by the scene, Rosângella decided to help. Unable to take the pup home with her herself, she snapped a few photos and spread the word among her friends in the local animal-lover community.

And before long, the puppy who’d found peace for the night in the nativity scene manger went on to receive so much more.

“A friend found her, and took her home,” Rosângella said.


Thanks to her impromptu role in the nativity scene that night, the puppy got the second chance she so desperately needed.


Though Christmas is still approaching, in some ways the greatest gift of all has already been opened.

“I feel happy and at peace knowing she’s safe,” Rosângella said. “I love animals very much, and wish the same for all of them.”