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HomeAnimalsItalian Lifeguard Dogs Courageously Jump Out Of Helicopters To Save Countless Lives

Italian Lifeguard Dogs Courageously Jump Out Of Helicopters To Save Countless Lives

If the Marvel franchise has given us anything to go by, being a superhero is incredibly fun. Who wouldn’t want to read minds, stop time and fly, all the while saving lives? And yet, as exciting as all of that is, any true comic book fan knows of course, ‘with great power comes great responsibility’.

And so anyone looking to be a superhero has to spend at least a few years learning how to use their powers. And although Xavier’s school for gifted youths may be a matter of fiction there is a tiny school hidden away in Milan, Italy teaching a group of brave pups exactly that.

The Newfoundland dog breed has been nicknamed the lifeguard dog and with good reason. Aside from their intelligence and gentle disposition, these dogs are known for bravely saving swimmers in distress.

This is precisely why the Italian Coast Guard has created a special K9 lifeguard unit. From speeding boats and hovering helicopters, the Newfoundlands are able to jump into the water and use their tremendous strength to reliably pull a person to shore.

To be able to do so, these amazing dogs must train for a minimum of three years.

The Italian school for lifeguard dogs was founded over 30 years ago by Ferruccio Pilenga with the sole purpose of preparing dogs and their handlers for water rescue.