Wednesday, May 15, 2024
HomeTips & TricksDryer sheets aren't just for drying clothes. Check out these brilliant ideas

Dryer sheets aren’t just for drying clothes. Check out these brilliant ideas

12. Make a firestarter
The next time you do laundry, be sure to save your dryer sheets and dryer lint. Take both materials and place them into a toilet paper tube. You’ll want to pinch the ends of the toilet paper tube so they don’t fall out. Then light up one end, and use it to start a fire. This is a great camping hack!

13. Remove soap scum
Nasty soap scum that exists on faucets can be really hard to remove. Soak the dryer sheet in water (or use with dish soap) and wipe away the soap scum.

14. Clean stainless steel
To buff away fingerprints and smudges, simply wipe a dryer sheet over your stainless steel items, and they’ll look as good as new. This process is especially helpful for refrigerator handles and other appliances that are heavily used.

15. Stop frizzy hair
Got an issue with frizzy hair or static cling? The next time you brush, layer a dryer sheet on top of your hair brush before going about your normal hair routine. This will help prevent cling.

16. Clean dirty pots and pans
Never scrub your dirty dishware again. Instead, fill a dirty pan with warm water and some dish soap. Next, toss a few dry sheets in. Wait an hour or so, and the nasty grime will come right off!

17. Keep your bathroom smelling nice
Bathrooms are probably one of the worst smelling areas of the house. We’ve got a little secret. The next time you mount a new roll of toilet paper, take a dryer sheet and line the inside of your toilet paper roll with it. Every time you roll that toilet paper, more freshness gets pulled into the air.

18. Serve as a car air freshener
Cars are probably one of the most common places we forget to keep fresh. Instead of spending a lot of money on car detailing and maintenance, opt to use dryer sheets in the dead spaces of the car.

19. Prevent bug bites