Fried Apple Rings


  1. Heat oil over medium- high heat in a wide pot. Mix all the batter ingredients together in a medium bowl with a fork. Core the apple, peel it, then slice thin. A large apple should yield about 10-12 slices.
  2. Dip the apple slices into the batter, using a fork to turn it and coat both sides. Carefully set the apple slice into the hot oil and fry until golden brown on one side. Turn the apple over with a slotted spoon and cook on the other side. These cook fast, about 20-40 seconds per side.
  3. Remove the apples with the slotted spoon and let drain on a paper towel for a minute before serving.
  4. Serve the hot, fried apple slices with powdered sugar, or cinnamon and sugar, or syrup. For a richer dessert try them with a scoop of ice cream and/ or some caramel sauce.