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HomeTips & TricksGrab a banana before you sleep. 6+ things bananas can do for...

Grab a banana before you sleep. 6+ things bananas can do for your health

5. Source of nutrition

According to FOOD, bananas are a powerhouse of nutrition, containing “Potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, folate, niacin, riboflavin, and B6.” This fruit is almost better than a multivitamin

 6. Regulate diabetes

Healthline shares that green bananas contain a large source of resistant starch, which helps diabetics be more sensitive to their insulin. The greener the banana, the higher the amount of resistant starch the banana has. A word of caution, though, because how all of this works is not yet fully understood because it hasn’t been studied enough. Speak with your doctor if you want to try using green bananas

7. Reduce cramps

The potassium contained in a banana may be exactly what you need to help reduce the cramps you experience with PMS or after a long workout, according to Everyday Health. If you also have trouble with bloating during PMS, the vitamin B6 contained in bananas works for that as well.

8. May improve digestive health

Dietary fiber is known to help improve digestion, and an average banana has 3 grams of fiber. Bananas, especially the greener ones, will land in your large intestine as result of its high resistant starch concentration. This means bananas can help improve gut health.

9. May aid in weight loss

Greener bananas contain more resistant starch. Resistant starch is an indigestible carb which means you will feel more full after eating them. This can help in weight loss. Plus, the average banana only has 100 calories. This isn’t a lot and eating a banana can help reduce your appetite.

10. May improve kidney health

Potassium is key in maintaining a healthy kidney, and bananas are potassium-rich. One long-term study followed women over a 13 year period. It found that those who ate bananas regularly (2 to 3 times a week) were 33% less likely to develop kidney disease.

With so many wonderful benefits, find ways to add this yellow fruit to your diet. You can go a little bananas for bananas at breakfast, lunch and dinner.