Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hawk Just Can’t Understand Why This ‘Duck’ Isn’t Afraid Of Him

Chances are, this handsome hawk never imagined his role as apex predator could ever be questioned — carrying on in confidence that his supremacy would always go unrivaled.

But then he met his match.


One day, while out and about in search of a meal, the hawk spotted something he couldn’t resist. There, resting in a patch of grass, was literally a sitting duck, seemingly oblivious to the hungry hawk’s approach. 

What the hawk didn’t realize, of course, was that the duck was actually just a decoy figurine. And it wouldn’t be so easily intimidated.

YouTube user Garybob watched as an unusual little standoff unfolded:

For several tense minutes, the perplexed hawk tried in vain to conquer the mysteriously unflappable “duck.” He seemed to pause every few moments to look around, as if sure he was being pranked.

In the end, the hawk wisely decided to forfeit the challenge. The duck decoy had won the day — a fact, no doubt, the hawk would much prefer to forget.