Saturday, September 7, 2024

Pineapple Bread

Pineapple Bread – This pineapple bread will make a great gift in the morning along with your cup of coffee. The toasted coconut on top helps you feel like you’re in the tropics, too! Pineapple and coconut together are a couple made in the fast bread heaven.


1/2 cup 1 stick unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup of sugar
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 eggs
1 cup of Greek yogurt
1 20-ounce can of pineapple.
1/2 cup unsweetened toasted coconut


For roasting the coconut
Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F. Spread the coconut in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for approximately 5-10 minutes, checking and stirring after 5 minutes. The coconut will be finished when it has a golden color, but be careful not to burn yourself.

Increase oven temperature to 350 degrees F.
Pour the pineapple into a fine-meshed sieve placed over a medium bowl. Allow the pineapple to drain as completely as possible, about 10 minutes.
Put a generous amount of butter and flour in a 9 x 5 loaf pan.
In a small bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt; set aside.
In a mixing bowl with a popsicle attachment, butter and sugar until light and fluffy. This should take about 5-7 minutes.
Add the eggs, one at a time, incorporating each one completely before adding the next.
Alternate with the flour and Greek yogurt, starting and ending with the flour.
Mix the last piece of flour until well blended.
Fold the pineapple into the dough.
Pour it into the prepared bread pan.
Using a rubber spatula, smooth the top and sprinkle the toasted coconut on top.
Bake for 30 minutes, cover the bread with aluminum foil, and bake for another 30-40 minutes for a total baking time of 60-70 minutes.
Cool the bread in the pan for 20 minutes and remove it from the pan.

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