Shelter Dog Kept Getting Rejected, So He Made His Own Bed To Show He’s ‘A Good Boy’

Imagine patiently waiting day after day to be adopted, but everyone who comes along rejects you and instead picks someone else — and you just don’t understand why.

This was the heartbreaking case for this Pitbull dog who was beginning to doubt himself until he decided to take matters into his own paws and prove everyone wrong. Rush, a lovely Pitbull didn’t know the joy of staying with a lovely family until SISCA Pet Adoption Center took him in, and this is when his loneliness would finally come to an end.

Image Credits: SICSA Pet Adoption Center

Being a kind and loving dog, Rush thought one thing, he would get a lovely family to adopt him pretty fast. But Rush quickly realized that it wasn’t going to be that straight forward. The days went by and Rush was never got picked.

Pitbulls have a bad rap sheet and people constantly assume these dogs are dangerous and aggressive, but Rush was the complete opposite. When everyone pictures you as a bad dog before they’ve even met you, it can be difficult for people to truly see who you are. Rush wasn’t about to give up easily though and he decided that he was going to prove to everyone that he was a good boy and worthy of adoption.

Image Credits: SICSA Pet Adoption Center

One day shelter workers walked past Rush’s kennel and saw a shocking sight. Rush was making his own bed! Rush had started making his bed every single day. One day a shelter worker decided to shoot a video of Rush’s unique behavior. They shot about a minute of footage of Rush carefully moving his blanket around.

Image Credits: SICSA Pet Adoption Center

“[Rush] makes his bed every day at an animal shelter while he waits for a family to adopt him,” SICSA wrote on Facebook. “He’s been waiting for over 30 days.”

Rush’s determination would finally pay off! SICSA put the video on YouTube and to their surprise, it quickly went viral, receiving over a million views. SICSA posted a cute photo to its Facebook page celebrating its internet-famous pup.