Thursday, September 19, 2024

Stop tossing your banana peels. You can use them in the most clever ways

Pain reliever
Putting a banana peel on the place that hurts for 30 minutes will cause the pain to go away. Feel free to see if this method works.

Remove ink
For ink that gets on your hands, try rubbing the inside of a banana peel on the offending marks. The oils reportedly lift away the ink.Meat tenderizer
Want to make sure that your meat dish turns out tender? Throw in a couple of banana peels to ensure the meat doesn’t dry out as it cooks.Compost
Banana peels break down pretty easily, so they serve as a great addition for anyone who uses compost to fertilize soil. This provides your soil with those needed nutrients.Deter aphids
Break up your banana peels into smaller pieces and bury them close to rose plants or other plants that attract aphids (pictured below) in your garden. Make sure to put these pieces right beneath the surface layer of the soil. Be careful not to leave a whole peel as that may actually do more harm than good, attracting larger rodents and pests.

Banana peel shoe polish
After you’ve enjoyed its lovely yellow fruit, use a banana’s skin to bring your shoes to a high shine. Just rub the inside of the banana peel over the shoe, then gently wipe away any leftover residue. (Tip: the greener the banana, the less residue will be left behind.)

Serves as food for livestock
Banana peels aren’t just great for the soil or human consumption, but livestock such as chicken and pigs would appreciate ground up banana peels in their daily feed.

Treat headaches and migraine
This might sound a bit wacky, until you realize ice wrapped in a banana peel is nothing more than a potassium-rich cold compress. Apply a cold compress to the head and neck in order to dull the pain of a migraine. Place a banana peel on your forehead with ice, so you get the added benefit of potassium absorbed directly through the skin. For more, check out the top ways to treat headaches and migraine without medication.