Wednesday, May 1, 2024
HomeTips & Tricks10 super simple exercises to tighten loose arms & shed fat

10 super simple exercises to tighten loose arms & shed fat

Ah, summertime. Everyone looks forward to it year-round – it’s when you can finally put away all those long-sleeved clothes and show off your toned arms. When you’re lucky enough to have toned arms in the first place, that is. What happens when you don’t? Well, you’re stuck making excuses for your unusually warm-looking outfit in 80-degree weather because you’re afraid people will see your arm flab.But not to worry – there’s still time until the weather gets really hot, and you can still get rid of those “bingo wings,” as people call them, before literal judgment day. Here are 10 easy arm exercises that’ll help tighten up those arms.

1. Push-up

The push-up is a go-to for workout fanatics, and for good reason. Not only does it improve your posture and help with your chest and abs, it also tones your arms considerably. Feel free to do the easier version of this exercise by letting your knees rest on the ground – the arm movement is what matters for your specific needs here.

2. Push-up and side plank

This slightly more restful variant of the push-up, recommended by Jeanette Jenkins on the Huffington Post, is great for your arms, as it allow you to focus on them rather than your abs or chest. In between each push-up – or each set of push-ups – rotate your body outward, holding yourself up on one arm while reaching upward with the other. Then return to your starting position.

3. Triceps dip

This one is great to do outdoors, in between running sprees for example. Using your arms as your sole support, lower yourself downward with your legs stretched out in front of you, then pull yourself back up – without moving your legs.

4. Bent over row

For more experienced gym goers, this barbell exercise involves pulling weights upward from a bent over position, like in the picture above. Make sure your back is straight, as a curved back could be very harmful for your spine during such exercises.

5. Triceps extension