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HomeCleaning & Household6 cleaning hacks to keep your carpet looking like new

6 cleaning hacks to keep your carpet looking like new

Most of us have a love/hate relationship with our carpet. We love how warm and comforting it is to our bare feet but hate stains and wear. Hiring a professional carpet cleaner can get expensive. Add small children or pets to the mix, and you might as well invest in area rugs to cover anywhere they’ve been — that is, until these six carpet cleaning hacks came along. They solve your biggest carpet challenges easily and inexpensively.

1. Spot clean with the power of baking soda

Commercial carpet spot cleaners are expensive and aren’t always effective. Create your own safe carpet cleaner by combining equal parts of water, vinegar, baking soda, and dish soap. Add the mixture to the carpet prior to cleaning it to remove the toughest stains. You can safely and naturally clean your carpet using a carpet cleaner by using equal parts vinegar and water.

2. Fluff carpet dents
Carpet dents happen when furniture or other heavy items compress carpet fibers over a period of time. The easiest way to fluff the carpet back up without damaging it is to toss a couple of ice cubes in the carpet dent. As they melt, the carpet will magically fluff back up.

3. Quickly clean up a mess with shaving cream
A quick way to clean up a spill or spot without working it down into the carpet is to grab a can of shaving cream. The white foam is basically soap and can be used to lift the soiled mess from the carpet. Carefully lift away any residue from the carpet, and gently work shaving cream into the top. Be careful not to rub the mess further into the carpet pile. After a few minutes, simply dab away the stain.

4. Sprinkle on a carpet refresher