Friday, July 26, 2024

Early signs of dehydration — don’t wait for thirst

For many, the word “dehydration” brings to mind images of a dying human crawling across the desert with barely enough energy to move. While dehydration certainly can be deadly, even milder cases of dehydration can have physical and emotional side effects, according to WebMD. 

Roughly 50 to 60 percent of the adult human body is made up of water, reports The USGS Water Science School. Your body uses water for most processes including lubrication of the joints, moisturizing the skin, cleaning toxins out of your system and aiding in digestion, Mercola explains. If you lose too much water without replacing it, your body cannot perform properly.

Thirst, a signal from your body to replace fluids, typically happens when your body has lost between 1 to 2 percent of its total water supply. However, your body may need more water before the thirst signal kicks in, according to Mercola. 

Dry skin
Someone who is severely dehydrated may not sweat. Additionally, dehydration may lead to dry, cracking skin and flushing, according to Everyday Health. The next time your slather lotion on those dry hands, make sure to grab a glass of water too.

Low fluids in your car can cause the engine to seize. The same thing can occur in your body if it lacks enough lubrication: When muscles start to heat up, you may get some very painful cramps. Drink a glass of water to help reduce cramping after a workout session. According to Everyday Health, “Changes in the electrolytes, changes in the sodium and potassium can lead to muscle cramping as well.”  
