Monday, May 20, 2024
HomeAnimalsThis Corgi Café Lets Guests Play And Cuddle With Corgis, And It’s...

This Corgi Café Lets Guests Play And Cuddle With Corgis, And It’s Every Dog Lover’s Dream

The corgi’s make up one big, loving, mixed family:

Two of the corgis, Quinn and Dean, are mom and dad to seven of the other pups – Bluebell, Bean, Babycorn, Buttercup, Blossom, Barely, and Bone. Meanwhile, Porkchop, Salmon, and Pumpkin are siblings but unrelated to the rest of the café family.

And, in 2019, the family was blessed with a 13th family member: Marmalade, a “cute, clever and charming” little tri-color girl.

People are clearly loving the cafe, as the clients begin smiling as soon as they meet the funny corgis. All the pups seem to really enjoy the attention as well. Not to mention the endless flow of treats throughout the day!

Some come from their owner but the vast majority from the cafe’s customers for performing simple tricks like a handshake.

Kanawaong, however, is careful of letting them gain too much weight. So the tiny dogs exercise by running in the garden of the cafe at least three times a day.

The cafe (and the corgis) work six days a week. 12.00 to 18.00 on Tuesday – Friday and 10.00 – 18:00 on Saturday – Sunday. Each day, the cafe organizes one-hour sessions for 50 customers (22 tables) to meet with the doggos costing around $11 per person.

The owner said this routine allows the little critters to have some nap time in between and would not exhaust them.

“The 1-hour gaps between the sessions allow them to rest,” Kanawaong said. “Every morning they’ll be running in the backyard, and come back for grooming to get ready for the sessions.”

The happiness and safety of the dogs is the most important thing to Kanawaong, in a statement on her Facebook page she says;

“I would also like to add […] that the well-being of the Corgis has always been our priority, so we’ve set up some playing rules,” Kanawaong said. “Because we have limited seating, we can’t accept reservations and provide first-come, first-served service to walk-in customers only. More details can be found on our official Facebook page.”

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