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HomeADVICES & QUOTES21 Brilliant Hacks for Everyday Home Repairs

21 Brilliant Hacks for Everyday Home Repairs


Lawn sprinklers break down in early spring, but when they do, make a makeshift watering tool by poking holes in an empty soda bottle. Once you attach the neck of the bottle to your garden hose, turn on the faucet and let the lawn drink, and enjoy a springtime watering session.

Holes in the head

When you move out of a rental home, you can no longer hide unsightly nail holes with portraits and posters if you want to get your security deposit back. A household staple, duct tape-free toothpaste makes it easy to fill holes while blending perfectly into the wall. Apply a spoonful of toothpaste to the hole and wipe off the excess with a damp cloth for a perfect finish.

Gluing Time

Super Glue is great for assembling crafts and making indoor repairs, but it is equally effective when used outdoors to waterproof backyard essentials and prevent leaks. Use super glue to plug holes in hoses, pool floats, and more.

Beyond the mannerisms.

Have you ever been stumped by a braided rug? Use scissors to create a fold and squeeze fabric glue into the bottom of the rug. To help the glue set, lay a piece of wax paper over the rug and lay a thick book on top of it. After two to four hours, even you will be surprised to find that your old carpet is so torn and plush that you won’t even notice it.

Zip-through blockers

Some drain cleaners and unclogging tools simply pour money down the drain. Next time you have a clogging problem, try tying two long, wide zip ties together and cutting off the protruding hooks with wire cutters. Then simply feed the ties down the drain to clear the clog and set up a barrier to extra expense.

Pipes and Lids

Pipe tape is often used for temporary fixation, but it can seriously stabilize plastic items such as vacuum cleaner hoses, paint buckets, camping tents, and trash cans. Tape over cracks and holes in everyday items, both indoors and outdoors, to make them last longer.

A shocking idea.

The screws that hold the hinges on cabinet doors can shift, making it impossible to grip the wood. Over time, these screws begin to corrode the inside of the cabinet, causing the doors to bend and become difficult to close. Removing the door and hinges and sticking a cut chopstick into each stripped hole will do the trick. Tuck the chopsticks in tightly and tap them into the inside of the cabinet with a screwdriver until they are flush with the inside of the cabinet. Now that you have wood to grab the screws, drill a new hole in the center of each chopstick. Finally, reattach the hinges and doors, closing this cabinet puzzle door forever.

The Talent of the Silver Screen

Nail polish not only polishes nails, it can also add shine to a worn window or stop a window pane from breaking. Clear nail polish can be applied directly to the snags and gaps in screens to keep them from unraveling.

Eliminate noise.

Of all the different things that happen during the night, the creaking sound of a bed frame is perhaps the most irritating. Here are some ways to eliminate these unpleasant noises. Move the mattress around to locate the joints of the bed frame where the noise is present. Then, rub a candle on the joint contact points and wait until sweet silence sets in.

Meeker Combination.

Cats may not be the cause of grease stains in the driveway, but they do have the ability to help with the cleanup. Sprinkle highly absorbent cat litter over the stain, let it sit for 15 minutes, and then crush it with your shoe. Finally, scrub the stain with detergent.