Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lemon Custard Cake

Lemon cream cake is a quick and easy dessert recipe, perfect for summer. This cake is smooth and creamy, with a refreshing lemon flavor.


4 eggs (at room temperature) separated
¾ cup of sugar
½ cup unsalted melted butter, slightly chilled
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¾ cup all-purpose flour
¼ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
grated peel of 2 large lemons
1 ¾ cups of warm milk
icing sugar


Preheat oven to 325°F. Line the 8×8-inch baking sheet with parchment paper that protrudes from the sides, lightly grease with cooking spray and set aside.
Beat egg whites until STIFF peaks form, set aside.
Beat egg yolks and sugar until pale yellow.
Add melted butter and vanilla and mix until evenly blended.
Mix in the flour until evenly blended.
Add the juice and lemon peel and mix until combined.
Slowly beat the milk until well combined.
Add the egg whites and beat by hand. You do not need to fold it completely. Leave small lumps of egg whites. When you pour it into the pan, the lumps will float to the surface and create the top layer during cooking. NOTES: The dough is very, very thin!
Pour the dough into the pan and bake for 40-60 minutes (until the cake barely moves in the center, but the top is firm to the touch). Baking time may vary depending on the oven or pan you use, but start checking after 35 minutes. If the top part browns quickly, you can cover the cake with aluminum foil. Don’t bake it too long, or the cake will become rubbery and not nauseous in the center.
Cool the cake completely before sprinkling it with powdered sugar.
Store leftovers in the refrigerator