Friday, July 26, 2024

10 weird cleaning secrets from grandma that actually work

Today we rely on an arsenal of cleaning products to clean even the most basic surfaces of our home. These products take up precious space in our cabinets and often are packed with chemicals. But it hasn’t always been like this.

Back in the day, Grandma cleaned her house just fine without all these products. And you can too. A lot of the time, there are very simple homemade solutions for tackling everything from dirty surfaces to stubborn stains. And sometimes, Grandma was just really clever, #vintagelifehacks.

For our ultimate list of weirdly awesome cleaning secrets from Grandma, check out the list below.

1. Homemade streak-free window cleaner

Grandma didn’t have any of those fancy branded window cleaners that boast about their streak-free formula. Did you think people just had streaky windows back then? No way. They mixed common household products to create an awesome solution to get windows squeaky clean. Here’s one recipe to follow:1½ cups water
1½ tablespoons white vinegar
1½ tablespoons rubbing alcohol
3 drops peppermint essential oilPour everything in a spray bottle and clean windows like normal.

2. Borax

Chances are your grandmother used this magical, and powerful, powder for just about everything around the house. Borax can help you clean tiles, kitchen and bathroom sinks and greasy kitchen cabinets, and it even works as an awesome presoak or detergent booster.

3. Cotton tea cloths

How many rolls of paper towels do you go through a week? Most likely, too many. Not only are these bad for the environment, but they cost you a ton of money a year too. Grandma never had paper towels and did just fine, so you can too. Instead, opt for cotton tea towels. They won’t leave any lint behind, they dry quickly, and they wash easily too.

4. Natural air fresheners

Grandma didn’t have Febreze, a stockpile of scented candles or room sprays. How did she keep the house smelling great? Grandma probably used vanilla around the house instead.If you leave a dab on a cold light bulb, it will spread throughout the room when the light gets hot. Another trick is to put a cotton ball soaked in vanilla in potted plants around the house. You can substitute essential oils here too.

5. Lightening and whitening, naturally